Saturday 28 March 2015

Chapter 9 " Friends, Lovers, Families

Friends, Lovers and Families

A Friend
A friend is defined as a person whom one knows, likes, and trusts. This type of a relation is friendship. In every society in the world people have and follow this relationship and support it. In some societies this relationship is given more importance than others. In our society friends are given almost the same attention as ones family member. Family is the closest relationship a person has, and if that is disturbed a friend can be very helpful.
Friendship types

1.The friendship of reciprocity
Loyalty, self-sacrifice, mutual affection, generosity.
Share equally in giving receiving the benefits and rewards of the relationship.
Eg : close friend

2.The friendship of receptivity
One person is the primary giver, and one the primary receiver.
Eg : teacher & students, doctor & patient

3.The friendship of association
friendly relationship
There is no great loyalty, no great trust, no great giving & receiving.

Eg : classmates, neighbourscoworkers


Types of love:
Eros erotic, sensual, desire, lust
Ludus excitement, fun, entertainment
Storge peaceful and slow
Pragma : practical and traditional
Mania extremist of opposites
Agape unconditional love


It's no stretch to say that a person has a serious advantage in life if they come from a loving, supportive home. Many people still succeed though they come from less-than-ideal family situations, but having our basic needs met, knowing that our parents love us and learning life lessons at home make all the challenges of day-to-day living that much easier to face. Likely, as an adult you want a happy home for your family.

Types of family

Traditional couples
The conventional form of a family – shared values, beliefs, tolerance for one another.

Independent couples
Individuals in this family setting stresses individuality as the main theme in the family – unfortunately this is how the modern family is today.

Separate couples
This family setting is not really a family but individuals in this family stay together for a common benefit (paying the rent, sharing living space)

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