Saturday 28 March 2015

Chapter 4: The Self

The Self

The Self elaborates on how communication takes place interpersonally
It encompasses who you are, what you represent, what defines you, everything about an individual in reference to communication. 

The Self as a subject comprises of the following:

1. Self-Concept
2. Self-Awareness
3. Self Esteem
4. Self-Disclosure

Self-Concept: This entails your personally belief about yourself, your capabilities, your do's and don’ts, your strengths and weakness. It is the exact image of who you are. Self-concept is influenced by several factors including Social Comparison, Cultural teachings and your self-evaluations.
Self-Awareness: This is the ability to discover things we actually know about ourselves.  A process of discovering our individual growth and understanding. This process isn’t limited to the individual alone but to others whom you close or around you. At some point, people know things about you that you do not know about yourself, these parts are all categorized by the Johari Window. This window expatiates the level of knowledge between one's self and others.
Self Esteem: This involves the amount of trust you have on yourself. the amount of confidence. A big part of our affairs depends on our self-esteem, how sure we are of ourselves.
Self-Disclosure: This Simply involves telling people about you. Telling people about you makes you feel a sense of belonging, comfort and security but it does have negative impacts as well, Its negative sides includes mistrust and mockery because she may have shared some rather too private information about yourself.

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